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FED rules

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FED rules Empty FED rules

Post by Zeus Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:03 am

here are the rules of being in a fed

- No WWE content of any sort, images, videos, logos, or anything else that refers to their trademarked intellectual property. However you can use other, now defunct, federation's material owned by WWE as long as they are not currently in use. For examples WCW or ECW are fine to use as long as there are no WWE logo's in your material and any wrestlers you use are not currently under any contract to WWE. If you are caught breaking this rule a GML will notify you and ask you to please remove the offending material from any future shows. If you fail to do this for that particular breach and it is seen again in future shows then you will receive a warning. If you are unsure of your content just ask a GML.

- Use of other copyrighted/trademarked material should only be with the owner’s permission - this includes images from Google etc. If the image clearly shows a copyright/trademark logo and TWG receives a complaint about your using it then you risk losing your fed. Especially never try pass off other people’s ( including other federations ) work as your own.

- No swearing of any kind, offensive images, videos, or music. Vulgarity, Racism, and Nudity, are not to be in a show. There are other of course other off limited topics too ( they come under the blanket of ‘offensive’ ) so use common sense for these. The GM is responsible for ensuring the content does not offend anyone.
Censoring swears is considered ok within reason but please try to use (censored) or (beep) rather than #$%# style masking as it doesn't look as good. - e.g. "I hate him! He is such an (censored)!" - I would consider ok. Usually 1-5 censored words per RP is ok to put across some emphasis. The swear should try to be unobvious also e.g. "he (censored) up this time and he will pay!" is not as good as "He (censored) this time and he will pay!"
Also the content containing the censored words will be judged so if you are discussing something offensive and disgusting and think it's fine as you censored the bad words then it will still be breaching the rule of offensive content. e.g. talking of lude, sexual acts but censoring the bad words.
Monitoring censoring will be at GML discretion and cautions will be issued if complaints are received or it is viewed as harsh by the GML's themselves. Warning will be issued directly in severe cases.

- No Reference to other federations, their wrestler or non-contracted wrestlers UNLESS you have their permission. To show the leaders that permission has been gained you must be do the following ( this is to be done by the person hosting the other federations material e.g. wrestler or banner ):

If this seems like too much effort or work then fine. Don't bother putting any content from other feds into your shows or yours into other shows. This is how it is to be done.

As to using wrestlers that leave your federation a rule of thumb is, if a wrestler left your fed suddenly in mid season you could use him once more in one more show to make a storyline about his dismissal.

- Making a show that contains only booked matches is strictly against the rules. You have been entrusted with a roster to create entertaining shows – not to generate easy income for yourself or your friends. The amount of content that will be deemed minimum will be at the GM Leaders discretion and any warnings about lack of content will be discussed between them all before a warning is issued if they are in agreement. GM Leaders are chosen for their maturity and impartialness so you can rest assured if you know that you put in a good effort into your show that you have nothing to worry about. Also note we will not accept excuses like “I lost my net last night” when it’s 24 hours before your show – you get a week to work on 2 shows and have the ability to appoint as much staff as you want to help you. If you do feel unforeseen circumstances have hindered your progress then please contact a GM Leader BEFORE the show airs to get an exception if possible. Remember warnings are not handed out for missing shows so sometimes it could be better to have no show at all than to risk a warning.

- Breaking any chat/forum rules and getting yourself banned can result in you getting punished towards your federation. You are all considered staff of TWG as GM’s so you are required to act like it.

- There is to be no federation contract talk or recruitment in chat. Simple.

- As English is the primary language of TWG all shows must be in English. Exceptions to this might be if you decide to include a foreign speaking wrestler to your fed as a gimmick but you must ensure the language he sues doesn’t break any of the content rules.


- Any GM found to be using illegal means to boost ticket sales or popularity or anything at all will face instant dismissal. This can range from exploiting the code of the game to not reporting a flaw in the system that you have found out and not bothered to tell anyone about. If you find any flaws that you think are giving you an unfair advantage/disadvantage you are to report these to a GM Leader immediately. An example of this would be if you were booking a show with special matches, titles matches and then when you confirmed it you notice the cost never came off effectively giving you a free show. GM Leaders will be getting the ability to see federations finances so any exploits will be quickly picked up on so do the right thing and be honest to get the game running fairly for everyone.


- No contract negotiations of any kind with other wrestlers signed under another federation. Tempting other wrestlers to leave their federations to join yours, under any circumstances, will be considered cheating, and we will deal with it accordingly. Your staff can recruit off contract wrestlers on your behalf ( this is change to the old rule of only a GM could discuss contracts with people ) if you choose to let them but remember if they break the rule of contacting on contract staff ( even if it’s a friend of theirs ) then it’s the same as if you did it yourself and will be just as punishable … which brings us to the last rule.

Now, to clarify the masked swearing rule: You are allowed to use only (censored) or (beep) or something similar in your shows! You can't use things like sh*t, f*ck #$%# or abbreviations like LMFAO, OMFG etc. Only (censored), (beep) or similar. If you are caught using something else, you will get a warning for it. Also, please note that these are just examples and just because I didn't mention something, it doesn't mean you can use it.

That is all. Good luck and have fun!

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Age : 46
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